For investors,10jilicom10jilicomIt is very important to know the daily increase of the stock. However, focusing solely on the increase figures does not fully reflect the performance of stocks. This article will analyze how to look at the gains of the day from multiple angles to help investors have a deeper understanding of the performance of stocks.

one10jilicom. Understand the meaning of the increase

First, we need to be clear about the meaning of the increase. The increase of a stock refers to the difference between the closing price of the stock on that day and the closing price of the previous trading day as a percentage of the closing price of the previous trading day. The formula is as follows: increase = (closing price of the day-closing price of the previous trading day) / closing price of the previous trading day * 100%.

two10jilicom. Analyze the reasons for the increase

After understanding the meaning of the increase, we need to analyze the reasons for the increase. The increase may be caused by a variety of factors, such as corporate performance, market sentiment, policy changes and so on. Investors need to consider these factors to determine whether the increase is reasonable.

3. Compare the increase with the market

Comparing the rise and fall with the rise and fall of the market can help investors understand the relative performance of stocks. If the stock rises higher than the market, it means the stock has performed better on the day; otherwise, it has performed poorly.

4. Observe trading volume

Trading volume is an important index to measure stock liquidity. If the stock rises higher, but the trading volume is small, it may indicate that the stock's rise is driven by a small number of traders and is not universal. On the contrary, if the trading volume is large, it means that the market has a high degree of recognition of the stock and the increase is more credible.

5. Pay attention to risk tips

10jilicom| How to look at the day's increase: Stocks 'increase that day

While paying attention to the increase, investors should also pay attention to risk tips. Stocks that rise too much may be at risk of a bubble and investors need to be cautious.

6. Combined with other indicators

In addition to the increase, investors can also combine other indicators, such as price-to-earnings ratio, price-to-book ratio, dividend ratio and so on, to comprehensively evaluate the investment value of stocks.

7. Use tables to display information

In order to show the information more intuitively, we can use tables to collate and display the stock increase, trading volume and other data. The following is a sample table of increases and trading volumes:

Stock symbol Stock name increase Trading Volume 600519 Guizhou Moutai 5% 10000 hands 20000 Section A3% 20000 lots 601318 China Ping an 2% 8000 hands

Through the above analysis, we can draw a conclusion: understanding the stock's daily rise is an important part of the investment decision, but it also needs to be judged comprehensively by combining other factors. Investors should be cautious, rational analysis and make wise investment decisions.